1960-61 Parkie & Topps Pickups

In addition to all those great 1963-64 Parkhurst cards I got at The National, I also picked up a few 1960-61 cards.

I figured that if I was going to start collecting 1960-61 Parkies, I should get one of someone significant, like Bernie “Boom Boom” Geoffrion.

This Parkie card of Sid Abel looks great, and only cost me $8.

A line card of Don Marshall, Henri Richard and Dickie Moore. I guess line cards are a thing of the past, given that players change teams so frequently now that no trio really stays together for long.

This Nels Stewart card is from the 1960-61 Topps set. Twenty-seven of the 66 cards are of All-Time Greats–players from the early 20th century. I have always liked the look of these cards; a 1920s design sensibility, but done up in bright colors indicative of the 1960s.

1963-64 Parkhurst #42 – Alex Faulkner

This was the last 1963-64 Parkhurst hockey card I bought at The National, and by far the most expensive to date. I have never heard of Alex Faulkner, and had no idea why this card–his rookie card–was selling for upwards of $100. That didn’t make sense to me. He’s not the most famous Red Wing, and certainly not the most famous Red Wing to wear number 19.

This is a good example of why it is important to do your research and know exactly what you are looking for. Thanks to Wikipedia and a friendly dealer from Detroit, I found out that Faulkner was the first person from Newfoundland to play in the National Hockey League. And despite only playing 2 seasons and 101 games in the NHL, he still has “rock star” status and this card–his only card–sells for a premium.

The Beckett high value of this card is $120. I picked this one up for $42. I think I did OK here.

Oh, and this brings me one (somewhat bigger) step closer to finishing my set. I now have 46 of the 99 cards. When I go to the Sun-Times card show in November, I’ll try to pick up 4 more to make it to 50.

Parkhurst Percent Counter: 46% Complete

1963-64 Parkhurst #59 – Bill Gadsby

School has started again. I am now teaching at three different places (one university, one college and one technical school). All this teaching has given me a bit of extra cash, so I went and bought myself a Bobby Orr rookie card a new computer. Of course, setting it up, getting all my files copied and programs installed, etc. etc. has left me with less time to blog.

And I still got things to talk about, like Bill Gadsby here. I bought this 1963-64 Parkhurst card at The National last month.

I bought this card after I met with Gadsby to get his autograph on several other cards and photos; otherwise, I would have seriously contemplated getting this card signed. Yes, it might seem like a waste to “ruin” a nice vintage card like this. But I could picture how a blue Sharpie autograph would really compliment the American flag.

Question: If you had this old card ahead of time, and were meeting with the player, would you get it signed?

Parkhurst Percent Counter: 45% Complete

Hockey & September 11

Garnet “Ace” Bailey 
June 13, 1948 – September 11, 2001
1976-77 O-Pee-Chee #304
Mark Bavis
March 13, 1970 – September 11, 2001
1993 Classic Draft Picks #60

My last blog post was about where I was on September 11, 2001. But I also wanted to express how it affected the hockey community. Others have done a better job of that, though, so may I direct your attention to the following websites:

  • Former NHLer Garret Bailey and former collegiate standout Mark Bavis were scouts for the Los Angeles Kings. Both were on one of the hijacked planes. The Kings website wrote a great article about the two men and their legacy.
  • Taking things many steps further, Puck Daddy also wrote about those whose lives were changed by the 9/11 tragedy, and how the hockey community rallied together. It’s a long read, but very comprehensive.
  • Finally, a relatively new hockey card blog called The Cardboard and Me features a nice custom card as a tribute to the New York firefighters.

Always look to the future, but never forget the past.

Ten Years Ago

NOTE: The following blog post contains nothing about hockey.

Everyone remembers where they were when the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 took place.

I was lucky. I didn’t know anyone who died. I didn’t know anyone who knew anyone who died. And yet, for everyone it was a sad, sickening, gut-wrenching experience. The bubble had burst. The warm glow and feeling of safety that enveloped us was gone.

I was just out of college, on my way to work and running late, when I saw a coworker on the train. She told me about the two planes hitting the World Trade Center Towers.

I got to work and the two conference rooms were jammed with people crowding around the small TVs in each room. People were on the phone, calling our New York office–which was far from the Twin Towers–to make sure that everyone there was OK.

I went to CNN.com, and couldn’t load their website. After 10 minutes of trying, I finally saw some grainy footage of the second hijacked plane hitting the tower.  I tried to find out more–were more planes hijacked? Was Chicago in danger?

Management at my old job didn’t seem too concerned about what was going on. My supervisor, noting that the small conference room was full, decided that we should take our weekly status meeting to the Starbucks across the street–never mind that there are a million other things on our minds right now.

Even worse, one of the owners sent out an office-wide email, reminding us that if we let the recent tragic events distract us too much, then the terrorists have won.

Given our relative proximity to downtown Chicago, around 10:30 AM CST our building was evacuated. The train was packed–everyone in and around downtown was sent home early.

I got back to my apartment and turned on the TV. That is when I started to feel sick. Up until that point, I didn’t realize that people had died or were wounded or still trapped. The only evacuation I’ve ever participated in were school fire drills, and everyone makes it out alive in those. I felt guilty. I started to cry.

There were no flights in the United States for a week. Living in a large city with an international airport, you are so used to airplanes flying overhead that–like your own heartbeat–you don’t really notice or think about them until they are absent.

A week later, I was walking home, and then I heard a plane fly overhead. I was startled. I froze. Things were back to normal. And yet, they would never be the same.

The Yaroslavl Lokomotiv Tragedy

Screenshot from the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv website (translated), Sept. 7, 2011

Everyone has either read, heard and/or blogged about the tragic news by now: yesterday, an airplane carrying the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv hockey team crashed, killing 43 of the 45 passengers on board. The entire Yaroslavl hockey team–save one badly burned player–perished in the crash.

It seemed like this summer could not get any worse for the hockey community, given the accidental death of Derek Boogaard and the suicides of Rick Rypien and Wade Belak.

And then this happens. The darkest day in hockey.

Ten former NHL players were among those who passed away…

Pavol Demitra
Ruslan Salei
Karel Rachunek
Alexander Vasyunov
Karlis Skrastins
Josef Vasicek
Stefan Liv 
(appeared as a Red Wings backup in 2006-07)
Igor Korolev
(assistant coach for Yaroslavl Lokomotiv)
Alexander Karpotsev
(assistant coach for Yaroslavl Lokomotiv)
Brad McCrimmon
(head coach of Yaroslavl Lokomotiv)

Of course we all feel for all the players, team personnel, airplane crew and their families.

Screenshot from team website, September 8, 2011

Say Hello to My Little Friends

I am now this much closer to finishing my 2009-10 Champ’s Hockey set:

48 Mini Veterans cards….

24 Champ’s Mini Rookies…

…and another 3 Champ’s Mini Rookies, 12 Historical Figures and 6 Wonders of the World. Plus 2 Mini Rookies from the 2008-09 set.

That’s 93 mini cards from the 2009-10 set (and the 2 from the previous year).  

I am only 126 mini cards away from finishing the 2009-10 Champ’s set.

I might actually finish this set before my 80th birthday.

If you have some Champ’s minis–from 2009-10 or 2008-09–that you would like to trade, take a look at my Want List.

1963-64 Parkhurst #47 – Robert Dillabough

Time for a quick blog update before I teach class this morning. Here is another card that brings me one step closer to completing the Set of My Dreams.

I’m not quite sure why Robert (Bob) Dillabough was included in the 1963-64 Parkhurst Hockey set. He only played 1 playoff game for the Red Wings in ’62-63. The year this card came out, Dillabough only played 1 game for the Wings, again in the playoffs. So, he was not a regular on the team. Dillabough would go on to be an original member of the Pittsburgh Penguins in 1967-68, and an original member of the WHA’s Cleveland Crusaders in 1972-73.

Parkhurst Percent Counter: 44% Complete