Mario Madness!

What’s better than a Mario Lemieux rookie card?

TWO Mario Lemieux rookie cards.

Bought these two 1985-86 Mario Lemieux RCs at my local card shop last week. 

Now, you’re probably thinking, Sal, does anyone really need two Mario Lemieux Rookie cards?

Well, no…I guess not.

So, If anyone would like to work out a trade for one, drop me a line.


Author: Sal Barry

Sal Barry is the editor and webmaster of Puck Junk. He is a freelance hockey writer, college professor and terrible hockey player. Follow him on Twitter @puckjunk

4 thoughts on “Mario Madness!”

  1. DEFINITELY interested in the Lemieux. I don't have much in the way of older cards, but I have a bunch of 09-10 Young Guns (including Tavares) that only Lemieux could get me to part with. e-mail me at matt-pedersonAThotmailDOTcom and I can give you some specifics.

  2. Why is it that I never see these posts until they are an afterthought? A day late and a dollar short I guess.

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