Eight New 1965-66 Topps Hockey Cards

Feel the vintage! I picked up eight cards from the 1965-66 Topps Hockey set. I need a ton of cards from this set, so eight really doesn’t bring me that much closer to completion. Still, vintage is vintage, and these are in pretty decent shape. Anyway, enjoy the images.

96-Milt-SchmidtMilt Schmidt

118-Doug-MohnsDoug Mohns

100-Bob-Woytowich  Bob Woytovich

70-Bobby-RosseauBobby Rosseau

53-Billy-HarrisBilly Harris

34-Murray-OliverMurray Oliver

33-Al-LangoisAl Langlois

8-Claude-ProvostClaude Provost (…and that’s a square jaw if I ever saw one.)


Author: Sal Barry

Sal Barry is the editor and webmaster of Puck Junk. He is a freelance hockey writer, college professor and terrible hockey player. Follow him on Twitter @puckjunk

One thought on “Eight New 1965-66 Topps Hockey Cards”

  1. Nice lot! Always liked this set. For some reason, Woytowich is really hard to find a good print of. I keep seeing ones with registry issues.

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