“PING” was the sound heard as a little orange ball smacked the metal post. “TAP!” “TAP!” “TAP!” echoed into the night sky as carbon fiber blades slammed on the concrete rink.
Flying down the rink at breakneck speeds are seven young men carrying hockey sticks. “Vroom” was the distinct sound their skates made as they swept along the pavement and fired backhanders into the crossbar of the net. Once someone scores, they do their best to celly like Bergeron, Marchand, or McAvoy.
If you ever find yourself in the Charlestown neighborhood of Boston, make your way to the western edges of the neighborhood. Not far from Sullivan Square and the infamous traffic circle lies Ryan Playground. Nestled by the banks of the Mystic River, this playground is where the local Townies spend their summers honing their hockey skills and having fun.
All summer, local roller hockey players from the Town frequently meet to play seemingly endless two-on-two hockey games.
These hockey games can be a challenge to find. Continue reading “Charlestown’s Secret Roller Hockey Scene”