Card of the Week: Bo Knows Hockey

Early 1990s unlicensed Bo Jackson trading card

Early 1990s unlicensed Bo Jackson trading card During the sports card boom of the late 1980s and early 1990s, unlicensed cards ran rampant in the hobby. Although not worth more than $1 each today, some of them are still amusing two decades later. An example of such a card would be this one of former football and baseball player Bo Jackson, suited up as a hockey player. Continue reading “Card of the Week: Bo Knows Hockey”

2010-11 Certified Hockey box break

Normally, I don’t purchase boxes of cards in the $100 range. But I had to make an exception. 2010-11 Certified is Panini’s first hockey release since getting the license earlier this year. How would it stack up to a similar Upper Deck product like Artifacts?

A box of 10 packs costs anywhere from $80 to $100, depending on where you bought it. You get 5 cards per pack. I purchased this box from my local card shop for $95. Here is what I got:  Continue reading “2010-11 Certified Hockey box break”

Thanks, Jeff

Just wanted to give a shout out to Jeff Kline for hooking me up with some 2002-03 Pacific Hockey cards. Jeff sent me 8 cards, nearly completing my set (I only need #362 – Tomas Kaberle).

He also gave me this Impact Zone insert card of Jarome Iginlia. That also nearly completes my Impact Zone insert set (I only need #7 – Saku Koivu).

So, thanks Jeff, for bringing me one step closer in my never-ending collection.

Bad Ad

I saw this advertisement at a bus stop in my neighborhood the other day. It is an ad for the NHL on VS., featuring Chicago Blackhawks players.

A poorly-designed ad. Yes, I’ve been quite critical lately.

The first thing that bugs me is how close Dave Bolland and Jonathan Toews are. I have never seen hockey players lean into each other–shoulder to shoulder–when jumping the boards. Plus, Bolland’s eyes are looking right at Toews, while Toewes is looking off into the distance. Shouldn’t he be looking at the guy he’s about to collide with?

Secondly–why doesn’t Toews have a stick?

Third, Adam Burish’s elbow makes a cameo. That number 37 at the left edge of the poster used to belong to Burish. Now, no one wears it because all the new ‘Hawks know they can’t possibly replace Burish’s awesomeness.

There’s a wider version of this ad that I’m trying to get a photo of–it’s on the side of Chicago buses, but the darn things won’t hold still long enough for me to snap a pic. I wonder how man ex-Hawks are on the larger (wider) version of this advertisement.

1957-58 Topps #22 – Pierre Pilote

I received this eBay purchase in the mail today. Finally, I’ve added a “big card” to my 1957-58 Topps set build.

This is Hall of Fame defenseman Pierre Pilote’s rookie card.

As you can see, the centering is way off.

However, there is no creasing and the corners are good.

Plus, I did not pay much for it. The Beckett high price for a Pilote RC is around $100. I got this for $23 shipped. It feels good to get another card for this set–but it feels really good to get one of the big boys out of the way.

Set completion as of 11-3-2010: 
11 out of 66 cards = 16.6%