2010-11 Score Hockey box break #4

I opened my last two boxes of 2010-11 Score Hockey on Sunday evening.

Results for Box #4

184 Base Cards – This might not be the best base card in the box, but I like the action photo…and the little Stanley Cup in the corner.

18 Hot Rookies – I had high hopes for Alexander (Alexandre?) Pechurskiy, but he was released by his junior team last month.

33 Glossy Base Cards – Starting to get some doubles of these. Seriously.

3 Glossy Rookie Cards – Looks like a shoe, feels like a sneaker.

1 20th Anniversary Parallel – Why?

6 Playoff Heroes – I’ll try to get all of them.

3 Net Cam – The other 2 were doubles…which sucks since you only get 3 per box.

2 Sudden Death – Fortunately, no duplicates on these.

1 Franchise – I like Shea Weber. He’s probably the only reason to watch the Nashville Predators.

And, finally…

No…that’s it.

No autograph?
No Rookie Redemption?

I guess “them’s the breaks!”

Suddenly, opening these packs has become less fun.


Author: Sal Barry

Sal Barry is the editor and webmaster of Puck Junk. He is a freelance hockey writer, college professor and terrible hockey player. Follow him on Twitter @puckjunk

7 thoughts on “2010-11 Score Hockey box break #4”

  1. I feel the same way you do. I'm starting to think after 2 boxes that the rookie redemptions don't even exist. Neither box I busted had one, and unlike you neither box had an auto either. If it weren't for the fact that I pulled a Jordan Eberle short-printed hot rookie in box 1 I'd be even more disappointed than I am right now. I'm about half way through my third (and likely final) box and so far no rookie redemptions, autos, or short-printed rookies there either.

    I'm still going to complete the set if I can. What can you expect from a $25 dollar box I guess!

  2. This weekend, I should have enough time to finish sorting my cards and figure out what I need. And I'm going to have a ton of doubles.

  3. Oh, and Panini did away with the rookie redemptions. DFG and I got the same response when we inquired about missing redemption cards. I'm actually going to save that for a future discussion, though.

  4. The Rookie Redemption was for auto'd rookies, right? And they just did away with it? Funny, I don't remember seeing that mentioned on their blog.

    Panini fail!

  5. I opened up two boxes. I got a Taylor Hall (card itself, not a redemption) and nothing in the 2nd box, no auto, SP rookie or even a globe thing, though I got a glossy Subban.

    It's a nice looking set and cheap (better than OPC on both fronts) and looks to be fun to collect, but ultimately will be gathering dust in the corner once finished.

    For you set builders, what do you do with the glossies? Do you count them as part of your set or chuck them? They are kind of a waste if you count them as a parallel.

  6. After two boxes, I had one box whose highlight was a glossy Hamill…..NOTHING else, probably the worst 18 rookies of the 50 and the second box had a Subban, another glossy Hamill and an auto rookie. One more to go, I am hoping for Eberle, Skinner or Hall…

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